Vice Minister of Public Works and Transport of Lao PDR to visit and work at Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI)


In the morning of 26 November 2022, Vice Minister of Public Works and Transport of Lao PDR visited and worked at Asian Management and Development Institute.

Participants of Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) of Lao PDR included HE. Mme. Vilaykham PHOSALATH – Vice Minister of Ministry of MPWT, Mr. Vanhsaveng OUDTHACHACK – Deputy Director General (DDG) of the Department of Water Supply, Ms. Vanh DILAPHANH – DDG of the Department of Planning and Finance cum Chairwoman of the MPWT Women's Union, Mr. Bounma LUANGBANDITH – DDG of the Department of Personnel cum Secretary of Youth Union and Mr. Soulasak SOUVANNALET – Secretary to Vice Minister.

Receiving the delegation were representatives of AMDI including Mr. Nguyen Tien Duc – AMDI Director, Ms. Be Thi Hoang Yen – Project Manager and other project coordinators, officers.

 Meeting with the MPWT delegation (Lao PDR) at AMDI Head Quarter

Opening the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Tien Duc – AMDI Director gave brief introduction on AMDI and its presences in Laos. Since 2011, AMDI has implemented 08 cooperation projects and programs in Lao PDR with the total fund of approximately 10 million US dollars, including 04 completed projects and 04 on-going projects. In cooperation with MPWT of Lao PDR, AMDI is honored to provide consulting services to support the implementation of 2 key projects of MPWT including Fourth Greater Mekong Subregion Corridor Towns Development Project (GMS4) funded by ADB and Scaling-up Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Project (SWSSH) funded by WB.

HE. Mme. Vilaykham PHOSALATH – Vice Minister highly valued the reception of AMDI and emphasized the friendly relationship between Laos and Vietnam on politics, economy and society for years.

The Vice Minister highly appreciated AMDI’s efforts in supporting the MPWT to implement 02 projects in Laos and strongly believed in future cooperation programs and projects of AMDI in Lao PDR.

AMDI Director delivered a present to the Vice Minister of Public Works and Transport of Lao PDR

Mr. Vanhsaveng OUDTHACHACK – DDG of the Department of Water Supply discussed and shared his opinions

The visit of the Vice Minister of Public Works and Transport of Lao PDR to AMDI confirmed the position of the AMDI in the Lao PDR market. The achievements and efforts of AMDI have contributed to the success of The Vietnam-Laos, Laos-Vietnam Friendship Year 2022